Kokoelma: Penstemon barbatus Twizzle

Penstemon barbatus Twizzle

Twizzle is a remarkable first-year-flowering Penstemon series available in five stunning colors. With its naturally elegant plant habit and outstanding garden performance, Twizzle is a standout choice for gardeners and landscapers alike. Featuring strong, upright stems and long, airy spikes adorned with tubular flowers, this series brings height and sophistication to both annual and perennial borders. It’s a versatile addition to creative landscaping projects.

Pollinator-friendly, Twizzle attracts a variety of bees and hummingbirds, enhancing the ecological value of your garden. Once established, these plants are fairly drought-tolerant and winter-hardy, making them a reliable choice for various climates.

For growers, Twizzle offers flexibility: it thrives as a cool crop and can also be cultivated outdoors for an extended sales season. When sown in autumn, the plants flower in spring and early summer. A spring sowing results in vibrant blooms during summer and late summer, all without the need for vernalization.

Penstemon barbatus Twizzle - therapyofflowers.com