Collection: Zinnia elegans Zinderella

Zinnia elegans Zinderella

Enhance your garden with the timeless elegance of Zinnia elegans "Zinderella" seeds. This exquisite variety is celebrated for its double-flowered, pom-pom-like blooms in a stunning palette of soft pastels and vibrant hues. Whether in garden beds, borders, or as part of a cut flower arrangement, "Zinderella" zinnias create an unforgettable display.

Beloved by pollinators like butterflies and bees, these zinnias not only add visual charm but also support your garden's ecosystem. Their long-lasting blooms ensure a summer filled with continuous color. Easy to cultivate, Zinnia elegans "Zinderella" is the perfect choice for gardeners of all skill levels.

Key Features:

  • Unique double-flowered blooms in captivating colors
  • Pollinator-friendly, attracting butterflies and bees
  • Ideal for garden beds, borders, and floral displays
  • Simple to grow and maintain

Transform your outdoor space with the remarkable beauty of Zinnia elegans "Zinderella." Plant now for a vibrant, elegant garden that leaves a lasting impression!

Zinnia elegans Zinderella